Monthly archive March, 2015

Video documentation

The experience of mathematical beauty and its neural correlates

Many have written of the experience of mathematical beauty as being comparable to that derived from the greatest art. This makes it interesting to learn whether the experience of beauty derived from such a highly intellectual and abstract source as mathematics correlates with activity in the same part of the emotional brain as that derived...

Sonificación de EEG para la clasificación de palabras no pronunciadas

Las interfaces cerebro-computadora (BCI) basadas en electroence- falograma (EEG) son una alternativa que pretende integrar a las personas con discapacidad motriz severa a su entorno. Sin embargo, éstas aún no son utilizadas en la vida cotidiana por lo poco intuitivas que son las fuentes electrofisiológicas para controlarlas. Para tratar este problema, se han realizado trabajos...

A Brain-Computer Interface That Works Wirelessly

After more than a decade of engineering work, researchers at Brown University and a Utah company, Blackrock Microsystems, have commercialized a wireless device that can be attached to a person’s skull and transmit via radio thought commands collected from a brain implant. Read …